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Organic solvent in a sentence

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Sentence count:68Posted:2018-11-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: organicsorganicinorganicsolventorganicallyorganic lawresolventinsolvent
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61. The esterification of organosilyl alcohol with pentanoic acid catalyzed by lipase in organic solvent was markedly influenced by water content of the reaction medium.
62. The first polyimide polymer is prepared with aromatic fluoric diamine and aromatic tetracid dihydride and through a two-step condensation reaction in organic solvent and under the action of catalyst.
63. It has high anti - corrosion for inorganic acid, organic acid and organic solvent except the hydrofluoric acid.
64. The waxes are classed as alcohol or organic solvent extracted materials.
65. Conclusion The established method is sensitive, accurate, and suitable for the determination of the organic solvent residue in cefoxitin sodium.
66. Purified preparations of the nucleocapsid of WRSV were obtained by a combination of organic solvent treatment, PEG precipitation, differential centrifugation and isoelectric precipitation.
67. This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevated reaction rate, high yield and simple (workup) procedure.
68. Conclusion The established method is simple, shortcut and sensitive for controlling the residual volume of organic solvent of Cefotetan disodium.
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